Monday, August 2, 2010

Connor Day 3

Time to wake up Connor....oh, I feel so bad doing that every morning, poor guy. Last night we got banana puddings from Magnolia Bakery and watched Big, which I think he liked. He then insisted on staying up to finish his book so it was a late night for him.
First stop this morning was Trinity church. Connor saw the graveyard and wanted to check it out. Most are from the mid-1700's. The one Connor is standing by is Alexander Hamilton's grave.
Here is what the graveyard looks like.
This is art in front of the church; it's the roots of a sycamore tree that was pulled out during 9/11.
Connor at Washington's Inauguration spot.
At the New York Stock Exchange which Connor kept referring to as the Auction House because of the kind of weak explanation I tried to give him for what it was all about.
At the bull. Both ends.

I tried giving him some chemical energy.
Here he is resting his legs on the ferry ride over to the Statue of Liberty...and peaking out the window below.

That's the view of lower Manhattan from the observation deck at the statue.
In the museum...a replica of her face and foot.

I think this was by far Connor's favorite part of the Statue tour...leaping down the staircase...hahaha.
Here he is at the Brooklyn was a bit of a walk, but he was a good sport.

Finally, I got a candid photo! He liked his Italian soda
We went to Lombardi's in Soho. I think he liked the pizza, it's one of the best!

Drinking lemonade and texting his girlfriend at South Street Seaport.
Getting ready to board The Shark.
Cool views from our boat ride.

We went to see a movie at 7:45 and then Connor wanted some ice cream. We sat in Union Square and headed home.

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