Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Any Takers?

I have plans for us when you come visit me during Thanksgiving. Here are my ideas...Brooklyn Flea Market (if you're grandma for instance...although I picture you as more of a summer visitor). It's very cool, with a ton of food items, clothes, jewelry...
Macy's Parade on Thanksgiving morning...

We will have a light breakfast and snack on hot chestnuts so we'll have plenty of room for that awesome Thanksgiving Day dinner you'll make me (if you're mom for instance)...
We will take hot coffee onto the ferry and tour the Ellis Island museum...
We will get cider donuts and hot apple cider drinks and walk around the Union Square Market...
We will see a musical, either South Pacific or West Side Story...

We will take a skating lesson in Bryant Park...come on, let's just try it...
We will have thick hot chocolates and stroll through Central Park...
Sound good?

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