Sunday, April 25, 2010

Easter in Astoria

My neighborhood, Astoria, is very Greek. There is a huge celebration at the orthodox Easter that is totally rad. I'm dying to go to Greece and see it done up on a larger scale. I've heard from several Greek people though that it's not a good experience to go to Greece unless you speak Greek because the people are not kind to tourists, kind of a bummer. Anyway...about Greece in Astoria...first you hear the drumming. Then if you go to the street, there is a mob of people carrying candles and a flower covered coffin to mourn the death of Christ. They all walk to this local church where some chanting takes place. Here is the coffin in the photo below.

Here are a couple short clips of the scene that takes place at the church. It's a very cool looking procession and I look forward to it every year. Even though I won't live in this neighborhood next year, I'm going to make a trip out here for it.